Sunday, December 16, 2018

Happy Holidays

Christmas is just days away and I sit pondering the Christian belief system that provides the foundation of this mostly secular event.  Perchance I am wrong, or short-sighted or miss the point, but here is how it looks to me.

Christians believe there is a supreme being that created everything, including humans.  This being not only wired us for all our aptitudes but with all our appetites, and subjected us to a host of ills like cancer, ALS, etc. The being must have created these ills as well since they believe this being created everything.  Thanks a lot, god of cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Meanwhile, this being allows for a place called hell where humans who are not forgiven will go for all eternity.  Humans banished to hell get there by overdoing the appetites we were given by the supreme being.  If we sin, we will go to hell, unless we ask the being to forgive us.  So, the being creates the possibility of sin, endows humans with a desire to sin, judges us if we do sin and sends us to hell forever.  If that doesn’t sound like the meanest trick in the book I do not know what is.

But, the being decided to provide a solution for the propensity to sin that the being created in humans in the first place.  Now this being is supposed to be all knowing, all smart, sees everything, etc.  But no one told him, her or it if he, she, or it just cleared the books of the notion of sin and allowed us to simply prosecute and punish bad deeds there would be no need for the remainder of this whoopla.  Nope.  He wants a hand in it.  So brilliant being that he or she or it is he, she or it decides that if he just kills his own son then humans can be forgiven for sin.  Is that right?  He created sin.  He created out desire to sin.  He created hell for when we do.  And his solution is to allow his only son to die.  Oh yeah.  This is a smart being.  Duh.

And Christians believe that.  Worse, they believe a virgin gave birth to this god/man son.  Really? They believe a star somehow hovered over a village.  Really?  Any star that close would fry the entire earth.  They believe other entities sent by the being flew in the air and sang.  They told mere humans not to be afraid.  Really?  You are a simple shepherd keeping watch over your flock by night when emissaries from a supreme being appear in the sky over your head, singing, and tell you not to be afraid.  Holy cow.  Why not just send a neighbor up the trail to say the being has a son, come and see.  Nope, not this being.  He, she, or it loves the melodrama.  So typical.  Create fear then say do not be afraid.

Christians also believe the son of the being was perfect, without sin.  Well, why didn’t this being just make all of us that way?  Is that too much to ask since he is creating everything anyway.  Think of all the pain and guilt we could have avoided if he had just made us really in his own image like he made Jesus.  No, this being seems more interested in the stupid plot that says I made you want to sin, you sin, I send you to hell, unless you love me and my perfect son, whom by the way, I am going to kill.

And the folks that believe this stuff think I should say Merry Christmas?  That is as daft as believing the earth is flat.  Christmas in fact is a very dismal, very scary time because according to the belief system if it had not happened we would all go to hell.  Worse, we have to support the illogic of a being who is willing to have his son die a torturous death after an impossible birth and be merry that he was born while knowing his fate.  Not for me, thank you very much. 

Happy Holidays.

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