Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Day Will Come

I truly hope the day will come when collectively humans will know the following:

We will understand that so-called holy books written thousands of years ago in totally backward areas by uneducated people, are anti-science and obsolete, and have little value other than humor.

Deities (that plead for more money, more devotion, and more anger toward all the other deities and/or humans that do not worship this deity or that) will be known to be imaginary.

By definition there is no “after life”.  No heaven.  No hell.  Death is death for all living things.

The belief that reducing regulations on producers will somehow help workers will be proven false so many times that finally everyone knows it is nonsense.

The belief that giving the wealthy more money will somehow help those who are less wealthy will be proven false so many times that finally everyone knows it is nonsense.

The recognition that allowing the “market” to make decisions is incompatible with a good sense of right and wrong and with the preservation of the only habitable planet we have.

The understanding that those who argue for reducing regulations, giving the wealthy more money, and freeing the market represent the wealthiest among us and only do so to enrich themselves, not all of us.

The recognition that all human beings are precious beings worthy of love will make more sense than earning more money.

The understanding that investing in human education and human well-being is the most profitable investment we can make.

The understanding that people do not get shot where there are no guns; people are shot less where firearms are restricted.

The understanding that men should not determine female reproductive rights, nor should extinct religious beliefs determine such rights.

We will know truth matters.  Science matters.  “Belief” in conflict with truth and science is false.

The understanding that fear, hate, dogma and anger are obstacles to peace, love and advancement.

The knowledge that collaboration yields more good for more people than competition.

When that day comes we will enter the second era of enlightenment and truly progress as a species.  And though we have taken a major step backward since 2016, more people now understand these concepts than ever before.  That gives me hope.  And hope advances the day that will come.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Advantages of Being an Atheist

Two full-day weekends.
Can participate in or be a spectator of sporting and entertainment events on Sundays without guilt.
Can give money to charities that actually help people.
Not monitored by a supreme being 24/7 who has eternal life or death power over me.
Do not have to engage in conversation with an imaginary friend who never responds.
Can do the right thing because it is right, not for future reward.
Can do the right thing because it is right, not to avoid future punishment.
Do not have to sell all that I have and follow some mythical person.
Do not have to leave my family to follow some mythical person.
Do not have to seek forgiveness from anyone except those I have offended or aggrieved.
Can celebrate my humanity and all my appetites rather than stifling my humanity.
Can accept scientific development, discovery and implementation as exciting.
Can make rational decisions, not fearful decisions or decisions made by some mythical being.
Can accept the randomness of the natural world and do not seek to find a curse or supernatural explanation.
Do not have to engage in public cannibalistic rituals.
Do not have to engage in any public or private confessions to relieve guilt or to achieve future reward.
Do not have to worry about where I will go when I die. 
Do not have to engage in public self-flagellation for certain condemned behaviors.
Do not have to attempt to reconcile or explain some so-called holy book written thousands of years ago that is in conflict with what we currently know to be true.
Do not have to take some course of instruction to discover what I believe.
Can totally support the equality of women despite what some so-called holy book says.
Can totally oppose slavery despite what some so-called holy book says.
Can totally support equal treatment of all regardless of religious preference, ethnicity, sexual identity or preference despite what some holy book says.
Do not have to defer to someone else or a so-called holy book to know right from wrong.
Do not have to shave or wear special clothes on Sunday.