Sunday, March 31, 2019

Church Month

April will be church month for Christians this year.  Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter and any other day of that week that needs an excuse to celebrate the most bizarre belief system on the planet.  There should be a “Mayday Monday”, a “Testing Tuesday”, a “Wallowing Wednesday” and a “Seriously? Saturday” to make the week complete.

Christians will give homage to a loving, all-wise, all-knowing god who could not figure out a way to save humans from sin other than sacrificing his own son.  Clearly this is one of the worst cases of child abuse and negligent homicide on record.  Christians will cry real tears as they recall Jesus committed suicide for their sins and we wonder why he just didn’t climb off the cross and end childhood cancer.  I am oh so grateful that since he and his dad chose for him to die it was on a cross elsewise Christians and their churches would be adorned with guillotines, firing squads, hangman nooses, large axes, etc., instead of the more subtle reminder that the cross was an instrument of torture and death.  None of those other death methods would look good hanging around the necks of the faithful.

And before he left, Jesus instituted a cannibalistic ritual via the Last Supper.  This is my body.  Eat it.  This is my blood.  Drink it.  So gross.

Riding an ass into Jerusalem cheered by a crowd who does not have a clue what is going on seems oh so similar to Trump rallies where they chant, “Lock her up” or “AOC sucks” or any other ignorant expression.  The same brilliant people will be chanting “Give us Barabbas” soon enough.  So the tradition of blindly following the crowd without engaging their brains may easily have begun with those folks 2,000 years ago, carried on today by the faithful who think Trump is a god-send.  Of course, Trump will be playing golf at his own facility during all these morbid celebrations, gaining personal wealth at tax payer expense while self-serving preachers rake in even more money.

All of this belief system hoorah occurs without one shred of evidence that any of it really happened.  I am so amazed.  I guess the only good news is that this cult is shrinking world-wide and is only growing in areas with the lowest levels of education.  Perhaps there is some hope that humans will be able someday to think their way out of preposterous belief systems.  Until then, I buckle down for Church Month.  Let the mythological depression begin and the hallucinatory rejoicing commence.