Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Prayer without Helmets

“A Georgia high school football player who came out of a game with an injury and then lost consciousness on the sideline has died, officials said.  Dylan, a linebacker, was transported to WellStar Spalding Regional Hospital and then airlifted to Grady Hospital in Atlanta. He was pronounced dead Sunday night from a head injury.  After Dylan was transported to the hospital, players and coaches from the two teams came together and knelt to pray for his recovery, Peach County High School said on Facebook.”  (Marlena Baldacci, Devon M. Sayers and Eric Levenson, CNN, Updated 8:49 AM ET, Tue October 2, 2018)

The Facebook pictures show both teams together on one knee with all their coaches praying.  Clearly folks in the stands are doing the same.  Once again, sky daddy disappoints.  They prayed before he died.  He died anyway.

Just received the list of prayer requests from my wife’s church.  Long list.  I suggested we forward the list to those who prayed for Dylan, but no, god did not listen to that crowd.

How much evidence will it take to convince people that prayer is pointless because they are praying to an imaginary friend who never responds?  If there was a god why wouldn’t he/she save this young man?  Nope, must be part of that mysterious, mean plan of his.

So, go ahead and pray to the god of concussions, the god of cancer, the god of ALS, the god of Alzheimer’s, the god of heart attacks.  If you believe god is the creator of everything he must have created these ills as well.  Prayer won’t help.  Never does.  Sometimes I think the people who pray are the ones who played without football helmets.

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