Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Religious Conservative Idiocy

Right-wing Christianity has become a political movement, not a religious group.  The following beliefs held by religious conservatives should trigger cries of blasphemy from true believers:  

Fertilized eggs are human beings.  We should protect the lives of the unborn.  It is OK not to protect the lives of the children who are born.  We can separate them from their parents, cut their health care, cut the funding for their schools, cut their food stamps and even allow their deaths while in detention.  Protect unborn children, to hell with children who are born.

I am pro-life and pro death penalty.

Jesus said it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.  But I believe Jesus wanted me to be rich.

Jesus said give all that you have to the poor and follow me.  But I believe Jesus wanted me to accumulate material things.

Jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Unless he or she is Black, Mexican American, Oriental, gay, transgender or poor.  Then those neighbors need to move to another zip code.

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, but cut the taxes for the rich.

Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, but wants us to build a wall to keep the Samaritans out.

Jesus said love your enemy.  But I have a God-given right to keep my weaponry to kill anyone who is my enemy.

Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit but we should cut spending on mental health

Jesus said blessed are those who mourn but we should make fun of losers.

Jesus said blessed are the meek but we should elect a narcissist.

Jesus said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness but we should elect someone who hungers and thirsts for money and power.

Jesus said blessed are the merciful but we should elect a bully who is willing to hurt people to get his way.

Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart but we should elect a consummate liar, an adulterer, and a sexual assaulter.

Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers but we should elect someone who holds rallies to arouse one group against another and we should build walls between us and neighbors.

I see no way to claim to be a conservative and a Christian.  If god chose Trump then god is an idiot who supports all the worst human traits.  The truth of the matter is the Russians chose Trump and we are in desperate need of an exorcism.

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