Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter. Turn Off Your Brain

So much of what I read on social media is promoting religious belief, especially Christian belief.  It would be funny if it were not so sad.  Read a bit this morning that was fiction but was not labeled as such.  A mother prayed over her sick little boy who died of cancer anyway in the hospital.  Mom goes home, cries herself to sleep, then awakes to find a note from her deceased son that says he is in heaven, met Jesus, et al, his grandparents met him there, and God gave him a magic pen so he could write her.  He said God let him die because God loved him and did not want him to suffer.  Really?  Holy Shit.  Then why didn’t God cure his cancer?  And if there ever was a letter received from a recently departed it would be earthshaking.  No such thing has ever happened except in séances and they are bogus.

To celebrate Holy Week the brain cannot be engaged.  A human cannot ask questions and seek rational answers, mainly because this story was invented and cemented 400 years after Jesus died, if there ever was such a person as Jesus.  The big question for me is why did an omnipotent god design a forgiveness path that required his only son to die?  It makes no sense.  Unless one wants to promote a mythology that includes god walking among us, born of a virgin, walking on water, healing the sick, turning water into wine, and rising from the dead.  That kind of malarkey may have carried weight with the superstitious and illiterate of 2,000 years ago, but surely sounds like a story tale to any modern human.  Even if it was all true, it does not make sense.  No parent would allow, much less promote the death of their child.  Is that the model we should follow?  Don’t tell me god loves me more than he loved his own child.  That is irrational and I could not worship a god who was so uncaring for his own son.

And as I have said before, if Jesus had the power to climb off the cross and did not, he in effect committed suicide.  If God had the power to save him from such a torturous death and did not he is guilty of negligent homicide.  Neither action, nor lack thereof, merits respect, much less worship.  Jesus can dispel the crowd that was ready to stone the town whore but cannot dispel the crowd that wants him crucified?  Come on.  Jesus can stump the rabbis at the temple when he is 11, but he cannot outsmart the same crew at the end of his ministry?  Come on.  Jesus can get mad and drive money changers out of the temple but cannot get mad when they drive nails through his hands?  Come on.  And Jesus starts a cannibalistic ritual, this is my body, eat, this is my blood, drink.  Come on.  Reason must be totally suspended to assume holy week went as scripted and amended over 400 years post Jesus supposed death. 

Did anyone go to heaven prior to the resurrection?  If so, how did they get there and why couldn’t god let that process continue?

The real horror of the holy week story is the fear it implants in humans.  Now we are told Jesus watches our every move, he hears our every thought.  He is the ultimate cop in the sky and we never have privacy.  He keeps score.  If you do not do as he says you will die then spend eternity burning in hell.  What a wonderful, loving, caring god.  He will kill his only son and torture you forever if you do not appreciate it.  And while he is capable of all that, he cannot cure childhood cancer.

Maybe I am going to hell for thinking.  But I think not.  First, there is no hell into which souls float and are burned.  There are no souls.  If there is a hell, where is it?  It must exist somewhere and we surely do not have the GPS coordinates.  I think I shall just be a good person because that is the right and reasonable thing to do, not because I fear death.  Death is death.  I will die and my existence and my consciousness will end, just as my existence and consciousness began sometime after I was born.  I cannot have an immortal soul by definition if I had a beginning.

But reaching those conclusions is the result of thinking.  Even believers must admit that their god gave us the power to think, even though he punished Adam and Eve for seeking knowledge.  I am able to think as a result of evolution and a great education.  I know.  Blasphemy.  But I will not turn off my brain.

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