Sunday, August 11, 2019

More Questions

If Christians did not believe in an after-life would they be Christians?  If Christians did not believe in heaven and hell would they be Christians?  Is it the reward or the fear of punishment that drives them?  It does not appear that many Christians value the instructions Jesus left in terms of caring for one another, feeding one another, clothing one another, healing one another, treating all as brothers and sisters, etc.  It seems that Christians spend a lot of time condemning others.  Gay people.  Liberal people.  (Which I find funny as Jesus reads as a radical liberal.  Some Christian needs to tell Trump that it is the meek who shall inherit the earth.)  Non-believers.  Sinners as they see sinners.  People who might take some material goods from them even though Jesus said sell all that you own and follow me.  So, if Christians do not follow the moral code set out in their Bible, why do they claim to be Christian?  It must be to avoid hell and achieve heaven.  So, if there was no heaven and hell would there be Christians?  If there was no after-life like there is no pre-life would anyone be a Christian?

Does it bother Christians that their God comes across as a cop or a spy in the sky, always watching, all knowing, seeing all their behaviors, hearing all their thoughts?  Such a God eliminates any sense of self or sense of privacy.  Who am I really if I am monitored 24/7?  Seems to me that Christians must be experts at putting on an act for their God and for their fellows.  So, are Christians real?

Were there people in heaven before Jesus came?  If so, why not continue to allow people to achieve heaven in whatever manner was available pre-Jesus and not sacrifice a third of the trinity?  If not, why did God send everyone to hell before the escape from hell was provided?

Why is the trinity all male?  50% of the people on the planet are female.  But they worship “Our father who art in heaven,” Jesus as God’s son, and the Holy Spirit as the carrier of holy sperm for Mary.  How offensive.  We worry that women are underrepresented in Congress, as CEO’s, etc. but it’s OK for God to be all male?  Christians want women to worship God, but they are not allowed to be preachers, priests, etc. in some churches?  What an affront.

Why did this all powerful God forget to make a female in the first place?  Believers claim he made all life, male and female, but forgot to make a woman?  And he had to do it by taking a piece of a male?  Women weren’t good enough to be made from scratch like everything else including mosquitos and snakes?  Once again, what an affront.  If there is a God he is clearly a misogynist.

What is really going on in people who claim to have heard the voice of God?  Or claim to have been touched by the Holy Spirit?  Are they in the same camp as those who believe in ghosts, believe in the supernatural, believe in Big Foot, etc.?  We would say that people are delusional if they are hearing voices and feeling touches when there is no evidence of anyone or anything else in the room.  Is that why a logical conversation about faith is impossible with a believer? 

Please reply with answers.  Thanks.

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