Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Arrogance of Belief

I feel the need to apologize to everyone I know and interacted with while I considered myself a Christian.  I was arrogant.  I had no patience for conservative Christians who supported military over human needs, I had no patience for believers of other religions, and atheists just amused me.  I said public prayers.  I gave a lot of money to the church.  I raised my kids in the church.  I was present for thousands of sermons, thousands of Sunday school lessons, hundreds of Sunday and/or Wednesday night services, lots and lots of choir rehearsals, tons of time serving on church committees, and hunks of time attending community services around Thanksgiving, Christmas, Good Friday and Easter.  I was a member of several “Prayer Warrior” groups quick to respond when the need arose for prayers.  I acted as lay leader reading scriptures in church.  I helped with communion services.  And I do not think I ever missed a covered dish lunch or supper.  Man, was I a Christian or what?

I was arrogant wrapped in the shroud of my belief.  I knew, really knew I was saved, my prayers were answered, and I made excuses for God when they weren’t answered.  I knew humble Christians, but I was not one of them.  Because I had a life-line to a supernatural being I figured I must be a super human being.  Blessed.  If I am blessed, and if God is on my side, then who the hell are you to assume a position different than my own?  I must be right.  I knew I was right even when I argued with other so-called Christians.

But no.  I was wrong.  And that has been a truly humbling experience.  Admitting I was wrong, admitting that all I believed was folly and superstition, and admitting that I thought somehow that I was superior because I was a believer is deeply shaming.  I am sorry.  I really am. 

Now that I see I was communicating with imaginary friends in the hopes of going to Never-Never Land I have been set free.  I can be a good person because I choose to be, not because I am fearful of some eternal punishment.  I can be open to discussing the scientific vanguard.  I can be open in interacting with others who are on the same path.  I am not defensive, I am not arrogant any more.  If you have facts you want me to consider I will consider them.  Please do not be offended if I point out that your facts are beliefs.  If Zeus appears to me on the road to Houston and asks why I am persecuting him, I will likely recant, but I know that will not happen.

What is obvious to me now is the arrogance of other believers.  Those who believe they know, who believe they are in contact with a supernatural being, who believe the Bible, and if not literally, they exempt from belief those passages proven wrong by science.  (Of course, if one can exempt any passage from belief, why not exempt them all?)  I laugh when they say they will pray for me because I know that is like saying they will sprinkle fairy dust on a graven image to make me immortal.  Those believers who firmly think God chose Trump, God supports adultery, sexual predators, bigots, misogynists, liars, and greed-driven people are not only arrogant, they are steeped in foolishness, stupidity and hypocrisy of the highest order.  I now fluctuate between laughter and tears at their positions.  And yet to challenge them reaps the same wrath as though they speak for God. 

Science will win.  Math will win.  Biology will win.  Chemistry will win.  Archeology will win.  Psychology will win.  Believers will lose in this debate because they have no facts.  Yes, I know arrogant atheists, or if not arrogant, patronizing.  But as humans we are capable of logic and questioning, and facts will ultimately win the day.  In that I can admit I do not know all the facts but am eager to learn more.  And that is humbling.  And if nothing else sets me apart now, it is that I am willing to learn more.  Not true of the blind, arrogant believer who already knows all he or she ever wants to know.  For them I feel sadness and pity as they deny their capacity for learning, cooked in the juice of their own arrogance.

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